Deal Dash Analytic Data

Auction ID/Username:
Auction ID:8186318
Product Name:Veho Muvi KZ-1 Dash HD Camera & Rearview HD Camera Bundle($500)
# bidders:92
Start Time:1/1/1000 00:00
End Time:1/1/1000 00:00
Total Bids Logged:676
Active Bidders:0

Total BidsHow many bids this user has spent on this auciton so far
Last Bid
Auctions (won)[%]Total number of auctions this user has participated in, ()’s is how many have won, []’s is the percentage
AvgBids/ AuctionThe average number of bids this user typically puts down on an auction
ELOHow effective this user is at winning auctions with fewest bids. Lower means better.
miztusweet140$6.6710344 (2105) [20.3%]144338
aroacho63$6.661689 (59) [3.5%]513115
cjbidder0092$6.371149 (12) [1.0%]120
jolip6394$6.341222 (31) [2.5%]2176433
canadianinga6$5.801055 (30) [2.8%]564892
championman1100$5.268 (0) [0.0%]890
retailbidder1$5.003870 (122) [3.2%]302550
srf121$4.962645 (70) [2.6%]337411
pdiak1$4.821448 (20) [1.4%]342865
snol1$4.802517 (135) [5.4%]1114298
Killer19431$4.661059 (15) [1.4%]152535
varalino1$4.65321 (5) [1.6%]170
n1dwrphil1$4.483287 (6) [0.2%]50
budsrose1$4.464860 (124) [2.6%]244446
JackityJack1$4.381071 (13) [1.2%]120
MeBass1$4.335115 (21) [0.4%]82305
buddy1ab1$4.181651 (27) [1.6%]124552
BarKeepR1$4.128522 (4) [0.0%]20
Da4Play2$4.10117 (0) [0.0%]280
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dyenaroo11$3.593651 (15) [0.4%]63384
geowilharp1$3.481721 (7) [0.4%]71370
adamyb50$3.431099 (10) [0.9%]175913
age8rd1$3.361143 (6) [0.5%]73965
lapinskeaj5$3.071985 (13) [0.7%]250
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florida011$2.964526 (17) [0.4%]114697
mcgivney71$2.822449 (33) [1.3%]120
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dhami515022$2.2129 (2) [6.9%]294200
pamiam19$2.1514171 (5087) [35.9%]1031627
utopia19881$2.069145 (569) [6.2%]40
NinaF1$1.97689 (17) [2.5%]214916
kpage921$1.84896 (1) [0.1%]40
Diamond4521$1.755922 (18) [0.3%]48200
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shan19732$1.6384 (0) [0.0%]80
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Meltarhia1$1.539192 (23) [0.3%]1310756
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NoDuckinWay2$1.482246 (54) [2.4%]186965
groomesaloynia10$1.47133 (3) [2.3%]680
xjawb3u1$1.465898 (128) [2.2%]174881
cristipete1$1.431403 (5) [0.4%]80
barbp_h9$1.3512444 (1117) [9.0%]662871
JoyAnne728$1.2255 (2) [3.6%]7410942
stealhead2$1.125083 (5) [0.1%]10
jeremytellesbo5$0.8662 (0) [0.0%]210
fcw19681$0.826303 (59) [0.9%]123748
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antimonykid1$0.562840 (126) [4.4%]252080
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squatchy11$0.346366 (87) [1.4%]124097
TSimmons101$0.311433 (23) [1.6%]516517
Wes5141$0.30842 (3) [0.4%]1142351
Glorchung1$0.281374 (1) [0.1%]20
Hsin1$0.261185 (128) [10.8%]681772
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Collegeboy21$0.174851 (178) [3.7%]171960
Dixiemafia19431$0.164912 (117) [2.4%]182567
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dellis18811$0.117272 (14) [0.2%]20
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JasonUSMC1$0.07313 (3) [1.0%]151092
chefzac1$0.0613944 (939) [6.7%]564848
marva621$0.0526380 (2202) [8.3%]472463
Siken921$0.03312 (0) [0.0%]210
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gbarba1$0.012730 (142) [5.2%]438722