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Auction ID/Username:
Auction ID:8273614
Product Name:LEGO Ideas NASA Apollo Saturn V 21309($111)
# bidders:48
Start Time:1/1/1000 00:00
End Time:1/1/1000 00:00
Total Bids Logged:2213
Active Bidders:0

Total BidsHow many bids this user has spent on this auciton so far
Last Bid
Auctions (won)[%]Total number of auctions this user has participated in, ()’s is how many have won, []’s is the percentage
AvgBids/ AuctionThe average number of bids this user typically puts down on an auction
ELOHow effective this user is at winning auctions with fewest bids. Lower means better.
Shaladrius264$22.1361 (5) [8.2%]20065218
MikeBlackstun450$22.125 (0) [0.0%]1950
AuntBetty4500$22.066658 (1686) [25.3%]8103224
isaacp29447$20.4916 (1) [6.2%]440
curleyrob35$19.54114 (0) [0.0%]420
pokeyspuddin170$11.1226 (1) [3.8%]440
Txholly5557$8.8221742 (1479) [6.8%]1502638
DeborahAB2$8.371197 (1) [0.1%]40
Hemisphere198498$6.964629 (46) [1.0%]108038
tome21121$5.002224 (13) [0.6%]83343
jessicafaye1$4.081755 (69) [3.9%]323360
cmasterman50$3.6216 (1) [6.2%]280
SherriCraig781$3.411839 (54) [2.9%]314839
bjoAchudy1$3.405917 (50) [0.8%]124595
jowens430$2.9943 (0) [0.0%]50
jstrr196621$2.987976 (349) [4.4%]433556
jaycobos1$2.63119 (1) [0.8%]40
Jefffria1$2.47432 (4) [0.9%]1618142
UncleTan1$2.2561700 (23095) [37.4%]2271105
trainsbnsf26$2.1212442 (754) [6.1%]474162
rwestlake681$1.562209 (43) [1.9%]304705
jhoush15$1.2413 (0) [0.0%]150
katien1$1.1811004 (637) [5.8%]10811354
SuzyShopper1$1.032335 (100) [4.3%]696386
lisabaker34941$0.921553 (169) [10.9%]2156865
smileandnod1$0.9084 (4) [4.8%]360
thordog31$0.601638 (48) [2.9%]440
Tman353$0.56646 (156) [24.1%]1602293
pokerpro7773$0.554120 (260) [6.3%]341009
jlynch543$0.49580 (29) [5.0%]421788
rsarocha2$0.461070 (26) [2.4%]174140
Chacrek2$0.391745 (12) [0.7%]616568
Ferrero1231$0.3321353 (2) [0.0%]20
Charliewinnnin1$0.312529 (183) [7.2%]1043694
Clupro1$0.27767 (120) [15.6%]871266
rossianw1$0.266384 (38) [0.6%]628027
PapaJab1$0.259937 (321) [3.2%]664807
tlb831$0.2451 (0) [0.0%]60
MTNbiker21$0.231168 (16) [1.4%]60
redlocks1$0.2285850 (19321) [22.5%]941430
1972picker1$0.184202 (15) [0.4%]11494181
horvszabi1$0.166954 (423) [6.1%]581291
sarasutton1$0.1447 (2) [4.3%]122716
RDodo123456$0.13103 (3) [2.9%]2213161
catsrule52$0.1218 (1) [5.6%]170
redjeep20141$0.0472 (1) [1.4%]790
Omarurbano1$0.02268 (1) [0.4%]50
BluSqr_Piper1$0.015094 (30) [0.6%]153191