Deal Dash Analytic Data

Auction ID/Username:
Auction ID:8396397
Product Name:Veho Muvi KZ-1 Dash HD Camera & Rearview HD Camera Bundle($500)
# bidders:65
Start Time:1/1/1000 00:00
End Time:1/1/1000 00:00
Total Bids Logged:2151
Active Bidders:0

Total BidsHow many bids this user has spent on this auciton so far
Last Bid
Auctions (won)[%]Total number of auctions this user has participated in, ()’s is how many have won, []’s is the percentage
AvgBids/ AuctionThe average number of bids this user typically puts down on an auction
ELOHow effective this user is at winning auctions with fewest bids. Lower means better.
redlocks49$21.4285850 (19321) [22.5%]941430
eddy36409$21.4175 (2) [2.7%]900
mygam01333$20.816043 (362) [6.0%]1122086
Jmd6039$20.171627 (5) [0.3%]223106
adamyb199$19.981099 (10) [0.9%]175913
21crow9$19.661506 (21) [1.4%]222814
Trisha11453$15.35384 (0) [0.0%]30
kingalexo4$13.04124 (0) [0.0%]20
TBizzel4SHO310$12.4881 (1) [1.2%]610
djrockinr261$12.2212518 (1487) [11.9%]1102861
franklin13w1113$11.045849 (40) [0.7%]102708
bogeydean54$10.702129 (735) [34.5%]617407
Bassba7$9.46194 (0) [0.0%]130
P3ggy20$7.9876 (0) [0.0%]60
brandontysinge95$5.7572 (0) [0.0%]200
jgirl18200155$5.079 (1) [11.1%]980
lindausa30$4.387547 (781) [10.3%]1929284
janny5150$4.13432 (37) [8.6%]843696
bunkie107$3.474556 (14) [0.3%]90
JackedSwede1$2.89674 (60) [8.9%]40660
SimbaDoodleBug1$2.761441 (20) [1.4%]10988
RickyPhil1$2.652461 (9) [0.4%]60
Eggegerti1$2.529725 (61) [0.6%]73360
UncleTan1$2.1661731 (23105) [37.4%]2271104
TheKaakeFamily15$2.08801 (31) [3.9%]2516129
hoboloco1$2.02751 (23) [3.1%]25716
markartis12$1.9438 (0) [0.0%]220
hra0901$1.891261 (19) [1.5%]2738088
Yellow321$1.86518 (238) [45.9%]3893809
jpat4141$1.832884 (52) [1.8%]352443
kacibee13$1.761626 (51) [3.1%]213347
ruttabegger1$1.57400 (0) [0.0%]70
RawhideRider10$1.55692 (1) [0.1%]100
doomgoat1$1.4891 (0) [0.0%]240
JennP11119$1.383817 (160) [4.2%]5718388
micwilli11$1.278789 (249) [2.8%]4410241
yatter1$1.013033 (40) [1.3%]144803
GottaBiddit1$0.951299 (11) [0.8%]110
morningcalm1$0.94113 (3) [2.7%]272285
ScotWurtemberg4$0.93309 (31) [10.0%]1532339
pingarache1$0.841629 (43) [2.6%]141265
dalsellers1$0.831213 (4) [0.3%]1015730
443841$0.8217626 (737) [4.2%]121586
kate753$0.77919 (5) [0.5%]156862
uniquelady951$0.735671 (576) [10.2%]921951
mcneillstv2$0.567456 (142) [1.9%]392550
dnielle2$0.554416 (34) [0.8%]115847
lele02201$0.52114 (0) [0.0%]60
diamondlill17$0.45311 (4) [1.3%]7314717
mclewis11282$0.43160 (0) [0.0%]40
FinCountDown1$0.402068 (189) [9.1%]1702872
flattop41$0.37425 (0) [0.0%]20
joannyli1$0.364323 (150) [3.5%]495884
weneverquit1$0.35261 (1) [0.4%]10
elephant19571$0.345436 (57) [1.0%]65858
Rabbibot1$0.3210890 (33) [0.3%]513415
daleotto1$0.2920780 (956) [4.6%]302564
Trevmanwv1$0.26156 (4) [2.6%]151489
Wnrtksall1$0.253561 (39) [1.1%]162326
moody1011$0.24795 (8) [1.0%]90
smDoWeNeedIt1$0.17102 (0) [0.0%]220
seriousj21931$0.126553 (0) [0.0%]40
squatchy11$0.096370 (87) [1.4%]124097
samdoes1$0.04101 (1) [1.0%]110
glhbuckblaster1$0.022723 (18) [0.7%]81667