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Auction ID/Username:
Auction ID:9128626
Product Name:Bardenshire Lady Lily O45-234 – Water Fountain ($2300)
# bidders:67
Start Time:1/1/1000 00:00
End Time:1/1/1000 00:00
Total Bids Logged:5791
Active Bidders:0

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Last Bid
Auctions (won)[%]Total number of auctions this user has participated in, ()’s is how many have won, []’s is the percentage
AvgBids/ AuctionThe average number of bids this user typically puts down on an auction
ELOHow effective this user is at winning auctions with fewest bids. Lower means better.
DJKewlbreeze1724$57.826450 (6861) [106.4%]2772298
joannfw240$57.81323 (17) [5.3%]751105
Maddsky1541$57.462233 (200) [9.0%]2534650
Lilangels197515$51.433210 (27) [0.8%]333454
Bearbider410$47.0310858 (45) [0.4%]912968
palladium97$45.71971 (12) [1.2%]155033
dlchristian116$45.363945 (119) [3.0%]736194
Hollywood59892$44.793222 (9) [0.3%]176822
loka_ram189$39.791661 (37) [2.2%]35186704
bhambrick2$37.0211439 (101) [0.9%]123230
willowkix516$36.52538 (69) [12.8%]1253366
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SusanKay811$4.724613 (69) [1.5%]372379
KingK608$4.59558 (12) [2.2%]179378
thespeedtraine1$4.401941 (156) [8.0%]501782
army_tweet1$4.1019255 (223) [1.2%]91810
1AuctionBaby1$4.063557 (26) [0.7%]725427
Gabygirl19587$4.00124 (1) [0.8%]670
kgb0071$3.774296 (91) [2.1%]232418
kathrynkellum11$3.7621 (0) [0.0%]470
Goldie1730$3.5910025 (1061) [10.6%]1281740
nr5vuw5t4j1$3.4511 (0) [0.0%]1100
tm21468p1$3.401380 (16) [1.2%]80
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Bertzzmom1$3.118583 (94) [1.1%]211717
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DDjenk13$1.8315013 (921) [6.1%]403186
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Katin10$1.692630 (174) [6.6%]353010
mebrewington2$1.6114 (0) [0.0%]70
anthonyz131$1.522491 (18) [0.7%]122331
Shaneface1$1.2940750 (1400) [3.4%]232078
Tonikres1$1.1431952 (5765) [18.0%]1001736
davemeg4165$1.0357 (0) [0.0%]90
bledpurple1$0.9923108 (6706) [29.0%]99923
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Playonplaya283$0.72605 (21) [3.5%]311236
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witchywoman01$0.244078 (232) [5.7%]682773
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jamminonthe11$0.1873552 (14125) [19.2%]97840
clemsonboy781$0.16421 (2) [0.5%]1153516
Juice552251$0.154367 (36) [0.8%]154847
Chrissyjmo1$0.1411061 (95) [0.9%]53028
ParadiseHome1$0.126022 (872) [14.5%]932420
littledealpupp1$0.0920918 (1) [0.0%]10
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jaiprakash7771$0.0528117 (704) [2.5%]112699
biggeo131$0.037414 (37) [0.5%]84643