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Auction ID:9170535
Product Name:Verdict. Instigator Portable Bluetooth Speaker ($185)
# bidders:36
Start Time:1/1/1000 00:00
End Time:1/1/1000 00:00
Total Bids Logged:908
Active Bidders:0

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Last Bid
Auctions (won)[%]Total number of auctions this user has participated in, ()’s is how many have won, []’s is the percentage
AvgBids/ AuctionThe average number of bids this user typically puts down on an auction
ELOHow effective this user is at winning auctions with fewest bids. Lower means better.
Dustoff60215$8.9912247 (1541) [12.6%]1181517
Dmula7134$8.982324 (57) [2.5%]215736
whizkidd79216$8.123615 (53) [1.5%]133484
johnny255230$5.692174 (43) [2.0%]213250
Manson197728$5.651132 (36) [3.2%]471948
mihrets1$4.932674 (3) [0.1%]75291
artchick631$4.551100 (9) [0.8%]131765
642134201222$4.545220 (390) [7.5%]261499
joanrentas15$4.4789 (3) [3.4%]824411
JackBlack003811$4.27110 (0) [0.0%]40
Abackora30$4.224142 (29) [0.7%]104162
Spock641$4.081153 (103) [8.9%]354826
meltingpoint30$3.536776 (90) [1.3%]112944
jredd197030$3.005174 (28) [0.5%]1015269
Jennac165$2.622034 (7) [0.3%]158960
Polarcaves1$2.5112174 (18) [0.1%]20
jsouto001$2.481103 (0) [0.0%]50
hhowenstine2$2.39446 (3) [0.7%]20
wildheart4135$1.691431 (58) [4.1%]688091
Disfreak730$1.49477 (5) [1.0%]259949
RobinSaner26$1.4020223 (908) [4.5%]20191
charles2181$1.267691 (364) [4.7%]362845
fancypants5122$1.232179 (122) [5.6%]172280
LILPR0DIGY1$1.2123 (1) [4.3%]150
NWShelby1$1.035335 (93) [1.7%]132476
subdogman1$0.38191 (8) [4.2%]340
djcoffie4$0.3053304 (1271) [2.4%]74743
kochergal4$0.2813251 (214) [1.6%]72801
Bmkreinbrink2$0.1424 (0) [0.0%]30
kindnessfirst1$0.1216365 (356) [2.2%]91602
BidderoffAlive1$0.1145060 (2805) [6.2%]81176
SwitchMagz1$0.09434 (1) [0.2%]10
MarvDMartian1$0.06316 (2) [0.6%]34616
babykakes11$0.0452 (0) [0.0%]40
jaxjil18192$0.0347 (0) [0.0%]30
miamirw1$0.022527 (119) [4.7%]891616