Deal Dash Analytic Data

Auction ID/Username:
Auction ID:9173124
Product Name:The Earth Company – Natural Paper Shoulder Bag($165)
# bidders:9
Start Time:1/1/1000 00:00
End Time:1/1/1000 00:00
Total Bids Logged:149
Active Bidders:0

Total BidsHow many bids this user has spent on this auciton so far
Last Bid
Auctions (won)[%]Total number of auctions this user has participated in, ()’s is how many have won, []’s is the percentage
AvgBids/ AuctionThe average number of bids this user typically puts down on an auction
ELOHow effective this user is at winning auctions with fewest bids. Lower means better.
klsaklsa50$1.4022908 (3362) [14.7%]791513
kryanp34$1.392594 (46) [1.8%]163405
DonnaLHodge1$1.27850 (54) [6.4%]1161911
BIGLEAUGE201720$0.8415991 (2110) [13.2%]331124
bwjohnson115$0.5242572 (2062) [4.8%]62114
TinaLake15$0.4910353 (448) [4.3%]142997
debb28ru11$0.3231459 (559) [1.8%]51225
nbv112$0.071425 (12) [0.8%]2727880
addymav1$0.02534 (12) [2.2%]134221