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Auction ID:9206343
Product Name:72 Pairs! Envision Studio Supert Soft Crew Socks – Womens – Brown & Black($336)
# bidders:65
Start Time:1/1/1000 00:00
End Time:1/1/1000 00:00
Total Bids Logged:7602
Active Bidders:0

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Last Bid
Auctions (won)[%]Total number of auctions this user has participated in, ()’s is how many have won, []’s is the percentage
AvgBids/ AuctionThe average number of bids this user typically puts down on an auction
ELOHow effective this user is at winning auctions with fewest bids. Lower means better.
mzgemini19501787$76.021249 (120) [9.6%]1130
GOSCOOTIN2430$76.012409 (1023) [42.5%]3782521
Bt39973$72.792348 (18) [0.8%]198413
Almostfree2102$71.052338 (358) [15.3%]49311688
jivertwou112$65.402303 (82) [3.6%]323315
Txholly5531$52.1721713 (1476) [6.8%]1502682
Johnmichaelmal6$34.171358 (1) [0.1%]50
metadebbie361$31.013194 (36) [1.1%]2610179
jbaylor15$29.792314 (6) [0.3%]150
yvecook221$11.065610 (23) [0.4%]91955
Jumpshot40429$8.1368 (2) [2.9%]161726
ecylaott100$7.321467 (24) [1.6%]177202
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chief115455$6.1915521 (1481) [9.5%]723177
80Bruno62$5.7617258 (4510) [26.1%]259903
Motobecane1$4.603638 (53) [1.5%]103266
travelann1$4.527885 (2) [0.0%]20
rdsaltz1$4.427 (0) [0.0%]550
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Rmyanutik1$3.162790 (74) [2.7%]282940
slpulley1$2.991869 (86) [4.6%]396428
RalphDog17$2.9839 (1) [2.6%]110
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jimbob55921$2.825010 (21) [0.4%]44742
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Sandman69121$2.102076 (2) [0.1%]40
Dianatone1$2.07304 (0) [0.0%]10
jamminonthe11$2.0673610 (14131) [19.2%]97840
lilly110814$2.041323 (9) [0.7%]910969
johnjohn11461$2.005874 (44) [0.7%]76452
Calturner20613$1.8820 (0) [0.0%]110
fishing71$1.7316657 (169) [1.0%]117832
oicu8xtc1$1.31238 (2) [0.8%]108752
lailamar6$1.0874859 (1225) [1.6%]154344
Bobbyabear7$1.044021 (33) [0.8%]117419
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mj40s11$0.754305 (13) [0.3%]63303
chestr142$0.743585 (91) [2.5%]206374
JodieKH1$0.636325 (85) [1.3%]105731
theneilfactor3$0.622965 (25) [0.8%]139663
gaylestorm1$0.57522 (4) [0.8%]380
ericb852$0.402243 (24) [1.1%]102630
morph421$0.382034 (7) [0.3%]79064
PorscheOne1$0.2714439 (391) [2.7%]271248
mirandaanders31$0.21150 (0) [0.0%]20
GJJ9261$0.145518 (113) [2.0%]105321
balipka61$0.133168 (14) [0.4%]169770
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snellcrew1$0.086650 (39) [0.6%]124283
redlocks1$0.0785850 (19321) [22.5%]941430
EyeofOwl1$0.032751 (18) [0.7%]1715951
Chrissyjmo1$0.0211062 (95) [0.9%]53028