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Auction ID/Username:
Auction ID:9206350
Product Name:Bolvaint Arduin Lambskin Motoring Jacket – Men’s, XL($3600)
# bidders:60
Start Time:1/1/1000 00:00
End Time:1/1/1000 00:00
Total Bids Logged:7482
Active Bidders:0

Total BidsHow many bids this user has spent on this auciton so far
Last Bid
Auctions (won)[%]Total number of auctions this user has participated in, ()’s is how many have won, []’s is the percentage
AvgBids/ AuctionThe average number of bids this user typically puts down on an auction
ELOHow effective this user is at winning auctions with fewest bids. Lower means better.
dcarr491853$74.824315 (208) [4.8%]1381789
madboar428$74.819246 (310) [3.4%]431151
pluto012871$74.808270 (486) [5.9%]582761
terrylaptop2$45.188412 (1) [0.0%]20
kissle1148$44.464371 (21) [0.5%]1213660
Almostfree52$38.132338 (358) [15.3%]49311688
jfurb409246$37.134899 (146) [3.0%]2710468
justinisevil897$31.2689 (2) [2.2%]29464
stren25291$29.3520294 (6217) [30.6%]731243
metadebbie268$27.543194 (36) [1.1%]2610179
haliberry9230$15.6311666 (1414) [12.1%]801231
Mowwj4529$13.723607 (9) [0.2%]965800
amparker1225127$7.0130245 (1944) [6.4%]581416
scoutens30$5.253613 (38) [1.1%]2240407
willey511$4.986021 (3) [0.0%]10
ecopicker171$4.912596 (24) [0.9%]133873
perfect131$4.721008 (4) [0.4%]160
monkiesdeal131$4.682946 (36) [1.2%]192776
Emphrion1$4.5838812 (20) [0.1%]13094
Ange19301$4.534554 (35) [0.8%]52588
sdaganhardt1$4.51938 (5) [0.5%]122353
mairzedoats1$4.3335418 (2392) [6.8%]522464
carmineperri1$4.321267 (6) [0.5%]80
smiley234221$4.2715247 (86) [0.6%]107488
xavion001$4.204349 (64) [1.5%]83576
sabres1685$4.1711800 (697) [5.9%]351274
roses11222$3.759471 (1011) [10.7%]813550
jstradnick1$3.57288 (0) [0.0%]50
advrntureh2$3.386152 (109) [1.8%]272427
Bigred20181$2.912851 (19) [0.7%]136197
Sonnchen13$2.8712923 (600) [4.6%]283425
mcnucky7$2.6214 (0) [0.0%]110
jg127221$2.162700 (48) [1.8%]169161
dodgermadmax1$2.127215 (142) [2.0%]151790
Omicron4231$2.1112619 (31) [0.2%]23681
nanachristou1$1.992457 (38) [1.5%]3441197
Oleblueeyes2$1.715055 (252) [5.0%]766504
AJAK0073$1.482300 (29) [1.3%]1813876
Sandman69121$1.462076 (2) [0.1%]40
smedette571$1.302725 (19) [0.7%]42803
seatowner5$1.1915 (0) [0.0%]170
jazmjz1$1.18484 (1) [0.2%]50
john98215$1.126319 (313) [5.0%]413420
321youloss26$0.9815581 (348) [2.2%]82585
pattyjimmy1$0.699895 (117) [1.2%]151981
tanyatomeo1$0.606736 (3) [0.0%]10
fdjtheleo10$0.546024 (31) [0.5%]93933
Johnmichaelmal1$0.471358 (1) [0.1%]50
LavaGurl96522$0.341363 (1011) [74.2%]4514544
Kcable831$0.20877 (3) [0.3%]512634
PorscheOne1$0.1914439 (391) [2.7%]271248
Roll-Tide-Roll1$0.1729145 (257) [0.9%]41479
Hholiday441$0.156120 (277) [4.5%]686513
bidbang1$0.1337949 (1364) [3.6%]14740
UserNameRocks1$0.122578 (338) [13.1%]1682199
Lilden1235$0.1153 (0) [0.0%]50
ALLREALallIn1$0.1014688 (2309) [15.7%]98952
uth3man1$0.0717084 (58) [0.3%]42257
sunsaj761$0.039884 (5) [0.1%]213199
rianyu6661$0.0251980 (1250) [2.4%]72455