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Auction ID/Username:
Auction ID:9206715
Product Name:Bradley Smoker 4-Rack Digital Smoker – 76L($461)
# bidders:34
Start Time:1/1/1000 00:00
End Time:1/1/1000 00:00
Total Bids Logged:33043
Active Bidders:0

Total BidsHow many bids this user has spent on this auciton so far
Last Bid
Auctions (won)[%]Total number of auctions this user has participated in, ()’s is how many have won, []’s is the percentage
AvgBids/ AuctionThe average number of bids this user typically puts down on an auction
ELOHow effective this user is at winning auctions with fewest bids. Lower means better.
Tiz15006118$372.88610 (42) [6.9%]723246
ALLREALallIn8231$372.8714760 (2326) [15.8%]98931
Mbonner34924$371.86292 (18) [6.2%]1981040
MtyNester1$368.431187 (18) [1.5%]110
dnw660130$353.414027 (38) [0.9%]29221781
klsaklsa256$339.9522948 (3366) [14.7%]791513
razzle1$328.5810301 (6) [0.1%]30
JHESS1790$324.453171 (73) [2.3%]172317
SanDiegoEMT2267$318.7510864 (5744) [52.9%]2782780
Stringpicker9439$287.052174 (7) [0.3%]170
rchilders7907074$263.454096 (916) [22.4%]4804304
Remisog4$250.09545 (25) [4.6%]631038
jackwnielsen2$237.86354 (6) [1.7%]232217
MikeBarto7141$208.811180 (97) [8.2%]1332307
shawnnasnider3$204.942907 (0) [0.0%]20
L4d0e16$189.281315 (92) [7.0%]35418031
JillyP105$188.943613 (91) [2.5%]193404
katfight321$187.161613 (46) [2.9%]202506
sillian910135$185.8613669 (3255) [23.8%]1273530
sparkernat688$180.012043 (59) [2.9%]371216
lt38nrs4323$176.20435 (28) [6.4%]108433
jkamgg8$171.34170 (3) [1.8%]80
dashdealbrian2$170.081163 (9) [0.8%]138801
Jim81123$150.684769 (27) [0.6%]136055
sakura2259$134.251906 (23) [1.2%]175644
grannysuegma1$124.9117903 (22) [0.1%]20
albertrobiejr675$117.622074 (122) [5.9%]788426
Johnmichaelmal1$95.121361 (1) [0.1%]50
cfleshman450$87.541126 (125) [11.1%]2110
pourboire5422$83.8043 (2) [4.7%]1242888
AdrianneR301$81.312205 (21) [1.0%]94125
steveomack34$73.37229 (2) [0.9%]5359533
UncleTan717$64.3361697 (23095) [37.4%]2271105
faisaltufail1$42.661605 (4) [0.2%]90