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Auction ID/Username:
Auction ID:9209621
Product Name:Mexico World Trivia 130 bid pack! Did you know…($78)
# bidders:46
Start Time:1/1/1000 00:00
End Time:1/1/1000 00:00
Total Bids Logged:52
Active Bidders:0

Total BidsHow many bids this user has spent on this auciton so far
Last Bid
Auctions (won)[%]Total number of auctions this user has participated in, ()’s is how many have won, []’s is the percentage
AvgBids/ AuctionThe average number of bids this user typically puts down on an auction
ELOHow effective this user is at winning auctions with fewest bids. Lower means better.
davidverbsky1$0.52238 (8) [3.4%]3920129
ulog4u1$0.513090 (69) [2.2%]194582
dbar96691$0.503635 (42) [1.2%]132840
azdiego1$0.497044 (75) [1.1%]83583
Danders691$0.484482 (91) [2.0%]183909
Slopjar1$0.4712574 (272) [2.2%]101538
Merbone1$0.461109 (11) [1.0%]931181
NUBIUMOJA1$0.4572 (0) [0.0%]160
sand144$0.443317 (32) [1.0%]117431
Ayegotcha1$0.434876 (35) [0.7%]1032812
jparrino1$0.423656 (147) [4.0%]311778
kathiet20001$0.401763 (199) [11.3%]2633102
BIGGUY02841$0.392397 (14) [0.6%]83379
Bigmanjunk551$0.374080 (43) [1.1%]159931
KOSST1$0.36193 (10) [5.2%]742656
RacksoStacks1$0.35225 (3) [1.3%]21439
Billsdeal1$0.34425 (14) [3.3%]13323
tigroklaws1$0.333395 (27) [0.8%]124848
Snerklehead1$0.325964 (230) [3.9%]192077
mcherrington11$0.3066 (0) [0.0%]150
tkarol21$0.296123 (155) [2.5%]131794
happyhere1$0.285132 (15) [0.3%]1213557
klsaklsa1$0.2722950 (3366) [14.7%]791513
dcpgold1$0.2699 (1) [1.0%]240
lifeswonder1$0.254448 (40) [0.9%]1318148
novez1$0.245351 (145) [2.7%]335277
manoofsteel0071$0.23183 (8) [4.4%]130
MaryM551$0.22158 (2) [1.3%]3828392
bieyen1$0.214080 (21) [0.5%]77772
Gmajinx11$0.203658 (252) [6.9%]1111067
gyzzmo141$0.198301 (93) [1.1%]125335
Dedmoroz1$0.187510 (1558) [20.7%]1124500
tydstanton1$0.176315 (1167) [18.5%]2001820
karenhazlett1$0.16584 (1) [0.2%]80
TorvaMessor1$0.151555 (8) [0.5%]44121
fredrein1$0.146018 (156) [2.6%]2212623
snickers_1231$0.133069 (24) [0.8%]96493
nathantjaynes4$0.124440 (106) [2.4%]154754
aserow1$0.116830 (14) [0.2%]40
tchmn551$0.093154 (26) [0.8%]1310556
suzee231$0.071710 (10) [0.6%]3952
stevemorandi1$0.067914 (675) [8.5%]531380
libbyllama1$0.04129 (0) [0.0%]70
ccbb12251$0.0311746 (916) [7.8%]452319
dealpoco1$0.021426 (2) [0.1%]20
lhp1231$0.01226 (5) [2.2%]5910760