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Auction ID/Username:
Auction ID:9216040
Product Name:450 Bid Pack!($270)
# bidders:81
Start Time:1/1/1000 00:00
End Time:1/1/1000 00:00
Total Bids Logged:2081
Active Bidders:0

Total BidsHow many bids this user has spent on this auciton so far
Last Bid
Auctions (won)[%]Total number of auctions this user has participated in, ()’s is how many have won, []’s is the percentage
AvgBids/ AuctionThe average number of bids this user typically puts down on an auction
ELOHow effective this user is at winning auctions with fewest bids. Lower means better.
beckyb11734283$21.237205 (362) [5.0%]553972
squirrelscan2488$21.222785 (713) [25.6%]2361821
dannocdl539$21.177841 (237) [3.0%]281779
biggamehunter5130$19.252776 (39) [1.4%]2411958
Slcoy22726$18.3314997 (5274) [35.2%]483350
camcma16$14.6811756 (89) [0.8%]191495
cpikedds3$13.892521 (11) [0.4%]78849
SGT1192202$11.889825 (444) [4.5%]552664
Moneypenny70591$7.488298 (644) [7.8%]372289
judy1964148$6.6343682 (3574) [8.2%]302661
PappyMAK1$5.005264 (40) [0.8%]68933
jeffreyscarr2$4.98674 (18) [2.7%]563063
weezertab1$4.967223 (17) [0.2%]42143
neilrodrigues1$4.642060 (5) [0.2%]129452
chrisasdf1$4.631802 (20) [1.1%]129454
dcosta1$4.613712 (20) [0.5%]146214
madstamper1$4.552558 (18) [0.7%]104098
nslott1$4.514849 (264) [5.4%]351487
charityjackso21$4.342507 (13) [0.5%]615030
NanaJbids1$4.106738 (173) [2.6%]242186
19RWH621$3.975025 (89) [1.8%]158329
lincolnscreams1$3.931749 (2) [0.1%]1047778
tntstone1$3.76485 (5) [1.0%]134750
JB66516$3.663 (0) [0.0%]70
blutractors1$3.641958 (8) [0.4%]1045244
martylrug1$3.406335 (25) [0.4%]612833
gyrohook21$3.286554 (40) [0.6%]541167
Miraclelady1$3.151415 (102) [7.2%]4713129
angerath1$3.14165 (0) [0.0%]60
ron69191$3.111513 (10) [0.7%]152466
Old4Lady1$3.09908 (5) [0.6%]50
riley1431$3.027323 (53) [0.7%]712283
Tippet1$2.974966 (247) [5.0%]583620
saramintonpr1$2.9132 (0) [0.0%]430
Dionteel1$2.893723 (87) [2.3%]245150
lorna26571$2.791327 (7) [0.5%]170
harryfbush1$2.754094 (30) [0.7%]1114854
xkycd1$2.623274 (92) [2.8%]261291
Referee13131$2.619212 (28) [0.3%]108473
jada4502$2.58634 (1) [0.2%]110
IronDog81$2.355604 (3) [0.1%]160
GVacchio1$2.32904 (10) [1.1%]11976
teag811$2.284328 (9) [0.2%]625700
pdrclaudio10$2.1664 (2) [3.1%]1915685
cvsteve33314$2.113406 (22) [0.6%]1618004
IMinAGAIN1$1.993921 (33) [0.8%]1916518
crazy4gems1$1.865236 (34) [0.6%]1438667
NickNinjaneer28$1.781569 (35) [2.2%]296895
cmahnesmith11$1.771430 (8) [0.6%]1479500
hobbs161$1.745327 (253) [4.7%]3510024
fcrr2101$1.63143 (0) [0.0%]100
bsamps1$1.232125 (31) [1.5%]90
ce791$1.213740 (4) [0.1%]70
EvelyneZ1$1.1620421 (212) [1.0%]1231682
blueeyesrn1$1.135488 (39) [0.7%]1019467
Michbuys7$1.112680 (4) [0.1%]40
LordNavaar1$1.094577 (110) [2.4%]154377
kms2rms11$1.012741 (49) [1.8%]1917325
SylV936$0.981839 (18) [1.0%]205830
tootalldilks1$0.972175 (17) [0.8%]1215191
shanemegan05085$0.9536 (0) [0.0%]110
whythat1$0.911678 (5) [0.3%]130
Luckyditto1$0.902856 (50) [1.8%]197450
AATW821$0.834380 (144) [3.3%]343644
Itsmeladydi1$0.823937 (150) [3.8%]272487
mholt6061$0.792893 (63) [2.2%]1311893
christinamoody4$0.788065 (58) [0.7%]148387
lhudnell1$0.764263 (110) [2.6%]2620004
taffee1$0.716062 (120) [2.0%]212851
orbitenterpriz1$0.6913090 (103) [0.8%]9720
scladam1$0.66927 (4) [0.4%]230
goose791$0.644071 (37) [0.9%]107127
scneubauer1$0.62366 (1) [0.3%]400
Snicker061$0.611325 (5) [0.4%]84781
dischargecash11$0.5727792 (418) [1.5%]52487
Ajmunise1$0.564055 (9) [0.2%]30
aklaus68611$0.551939 (14) [0.7%]1110808
mmetzger5111$0.514575 (8) [0.2%]50
nbharath1$0.4615434 (8672) [56.2%]2131053
CrapsShooter1$0.442071 (9) [0.4%]54043
FtroopUS1$0.432911 (11) [0.4%]61657