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Auction ID/Username:
Auction ID:9216044
Product Name:72 Pairs! GameSport World’s Greatest Golf Socks – White – Mens($288)
# bidders:80
Start Time:1/1/1000 00:00
End Time:1/1/1000 00:00
Total Bids Logged:2423
Active Bidders:0

Total BidsHow many bids this user has spent on this auciton so far
Last Bid
Auctions (won)[%]Total number of auctions this user has participated in, ()’s is how many have won, []’s is the percentage
AvgBids/ AuctionThe average number of bids this user typically puts down on an auction
ELOHow effective this user is at winning auctions with fewest bids. Lower means better.
deacyn253$24.236048 (42) [0.7%]1014067
MIDNITEANGEL66149$24.227424 (70) [0.9%]95712
jairman318$24.212089 (23) [1.1%]71565
AMAZON_WARRIOR534$24.2027316 (10386) [38.0%]1891091
williamloney230$21.84446 (16) [3.6%]4018200
KNOWSLAC243$17.5143919 (3197) [7.3%]261923
esje410$12.815 (1) [20.0%]1940
rcarter31835$9.3226 (0) [0.0%]160
yhanet30$8.001759 (67) [3.8%]246696
Jeepster46$7.661667 (61) [3.7%]427356
Hoghead1231$4.93855 (3) [0.4%]818420
amcsag1$4.911184 (22) [1.9%]126276
dukeydick1$4.895692 (265) [4.7%]132960
guyosu20011$4.851890 (2) [0.1%]100
stuartcpeterso1$4.84797 (5) [0.6%]80
cobrahybrid30$4.825982 (159) [2.7%]209439
teeditoo2$4.817093 (89) [1.3%]96047
randomuser581$4.783418 (22) [0.6%]1234838
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baphriend1$4.266 (1) [16.7%]270
macjohn9261$3.941890 (84) [4.4%]276021
BobResigliano1$3.742782 (11) [0.4%]150
mommacarol41$3.685080 (46) [0.9%]75752
AlpineClimber1$3.505229 (4016) [76.8%]182210
hibid0201$3.292766 (160) [5.8%]441347
blutractors1$3.211958 (8) [0.4%]1045244
Granny201691$3.164634 (238) [5.1%]481457
1anthonyfranK1$2.815720 (29) [0.5%]1211396
Old4Lady1$2.69908 (5) [0.6%]50
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charles21835$2.267688 (364) [4.7%]362845
martylrug1$2.256358 (26) [0.4%]612244
tjh155932$2.161323 (42) [3.2%]1635766
infinity080830$2.032246 (16) [0.7%]199667
GVacchio1$1.93904 (10) [1.1%]11976
KimLester1$1.814986 (5) [0.1%]30
Alikatz19631$1.603787 (22) [0.6%]820965
irunpcj1$1.021370 (13) [0.9%]106043
dbait1$0.967730 (19) [0.2%]40
DrueRN1$0.9517300 (1962) [11.3%]551645
CC2801$0.852081 (29) [1.4%]144576
Johnpresley421$0.844148 (26) [0.6%]125937
MDrouhard1$0.824840 (50) [1.0%]123733
shanemegan05087$0.7936 (0) [0.0%]110
blueeyesrn1$0.755491 (39) [0.7%]1019467
LordNavaar1$0.714587 (110) [2.4%]154377
Luckyditto1$0.652861 (50) [1.7%]197450
kms2rms11$0.622741 (49) [1.8%]1917325
daniag985$0.585 (0) [0.0%]190
tootalldilks1$0.562175 (17) [0.8%]1215191
ckndinner5$0.55697 (29) [4.2%]453991
amymj713$0.538364 (3) [0.0%]30
My3mkt1$0.503049 (37) [1.2%]726156
AATW821$0.454387 (144) [3.3%]343644
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rianyu6663$0.3551980 (1250) [2.4%]72455
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jimbob55921$0.305020 (22) [0.4%]44742
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davec51$0.224919 (82) [1.7%]124163
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therick7981$0.041494 (17) [1.1%]273848
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jerryis1$0.0110916 (4924) [45.1%]621403