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Auction ID:9219630
Product Name:180 Pairs! GameSport Cushioned Crew Socks – Womens – Portland Skyline($899)
# bidders:32
Start Time:1/1/1000 00:00
End Time:1/1/1000 00:00
Total Bids Logged:254
Active Bidders:0

Total BidsHow many bids this user has spent on this auciton so far
Last Bid
Auctions (won)[%]Total number of auctions this user has participated in, ()’s is how many have won, []’s is the percentage
AvgBids/ AuctionThe average number of bids this user typically puts down on an auction
ELOHow effective this user is at winning auctions with fewest bids. Lower means better.
jemingus19$3.911059 (23) [2.2%]28167316
klsaklsa50$3.9022944 (3366) [14.7%]791513
SkyDsgrandma49$3.8914893 (1607) [10.8%]743145
bud10218$3.8814300 (4046) [28.3%]5881743
stationemt48$3.8717 (1) [5.9%]1520
veru305$3.865076 (87) [1.7%]88145
rachelsaunders8$3.8554 (0) [0.0%]100
jaeshopper1$3.76266 (7) [2.6%]387410
Sharonlover2$3.70443 (40) [9.0%]2341120
SOUPRKELLY1$3.233292 (84) [2.6%]201276
teresasowell661$2.745528 (95) [1.7%]101955
cubn39131$2.631951 (17) [0.9%]1018356
dvance581$2.6169501 (3147) [4.5%]441893
villarrealceli15$2.403 (0) [0.0%]160
ryanquinn21$2.30310 (5) [1.6%]270
shyjdsingle1$2.28748 (6) [0.8%]336424
Dogger451$2.225047 (0) [0.0%]20
Dot68851$2.182592 (13) [0.5%]120
ckndinner10$2.15697 (29) [4.2%]453991
indeal1$2.042101 (59) [2.8%]1529335
genew1107$1.974775 (70) [1.5%]1110302
jrodnick1$1.907892 (15) [0.2%]51142
happyhere6$1.885132 (15) [0.3%]1213557
lailnichole5$1.8321 (0) [0.0%]50
bretmack1$1.795932 (945) [15.9%]681620
trainsbnsf1$1.7112436 (754) [6.1%]474162
MzWilz3$1.66572 (0) [0.0%]50
brandondudez1$1.602488 (34) [1.4%]90
FMASKSOLD202$1.55731 (37) [5.1%]1524504
BHawks3211$1.535394 (40) [0.7%]710339
raabds1$1.44833 (12) [1.4%]53713
kookie011$1.404845 (102) [2.1%]154978