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Auction ID/Username:
Auction ID:9466104
Product Name:Crossford Furniture Co. Executive Lumbar-Support Office Chair ($459)
# bidders:47
Start Time:1/1/1000 00:00
End Time:1/1/1000 00:00
Total Bids Logged:234
Active Bidders:0

Total BidsHow many bids this user has spent on this auciton so far
Last Bid
Auctions (won)[%]Total number of auctions this user has participated in, ()’s is how many have won, []’s is the percentage
AvgBids/ AuctionThe average number of bids this user typically puts down on an auction
ELOHow effective this user is at winning auctions with fewest bids. Lower means better.
jamminonthe154$2.2673834 (14156) [19.2%]97840
PipSqueek7654$2.2528 (0) [0.0%]2370
keithbriggs1$2.222338 (4) [0.2%]718279
Odiedough1$2.162382 (215) [9.0%]1571752
txcardinal20$2.0715148 (863) [5.7%]292517
DaveJessOff1$2.02378 (3) [0.8%]130
sryoung7910$2.0182 (0) [0.0%]60
kimbawarwick10$1.9830 (1) [3.3%]700
meyounes875$1.93212 (1) [0.5%]30
darryltec1$1.872363 (2) [0.1%]90
79chevy11$1.231640 (1) [0.1%]10
rockstarbee1$1.123434 (30) [0.9%]886633
madonin1$1.0924 (0) [0.0%]170
Taz_Eagle1$1.084469 (12) [0.3%]90
CMNewYork1$1.0616965 (3498) [20.6%]2591347
bledpurple13$0.9823108 (6706) [29.0%]99923
jzme310$0.862141 (33) [1.5%]265320
lorikaiser1$0.8210202 (130) [1.3%]142089
kaileyd19885$0.683859 (562) [14.6%]4584912
dianasberg15$0.6315490 (1431) [9.2%]792433
dnels3$0.569214 (10) [0.1%]333305
Madim247$0.5021 (0) [0.0%]60
Kstottlernort2$0.43990 (10) [1.0%]212626
Bunny572$0.408894 (281) [3.2%]216274
myberners2$0.3810721 (6) [0.1%]30
6Govap1$0.359349 (99) [1.1%]81788
noahsexton1$0.34137 (4) [2.9%]270
sismeeks1$0.32169 (6) [3.6%]204749
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MineGotit1$0.294176 (9) [0.2%]51852
wtwein251$0.28160 (0) [0.0%]230
asmarr7031$0.267697 (13) [0.2%]20
Juice552251$0.254367 (36) [0.8%]154847
jaiprakash7771$0.2428117 (704) [2.5%]112699
storydepot681$0.1815580 (34) [0.2%]33283
Lam291$0.1716407 (692) [4.2%]262427
n1ufg1$0.1611461 (9) [0.1%]49242
golfer90001$0.153670 (25) [0.7%]714806
DougHeinrich1$0.147683 (594) [7.7%]612302
jmgreen61$0.131542 (6) [0.4%]191184
MarkHudspeth1$0.1223639 (1280) [5.4%]141168
mjparker20081$0.103407 (2) [0.1%]115710
4germany1$0.067816 (41) [0.5%]81303
petethepiper1$0.0513855 (13) [0.1%]21043
evildancerrec1$0.042593 (699) [27.0%]1624268
apbid1$0.031735 (69) [4.0%]151136
chelliegirl1$0.024687 (95) [2.0%]124474