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Auction ID:9500121
Product Name:Bardenshire Image of Aten I57-304 – Water Fountain($435)
# bidders:46
Start Time:1/1/1000 00:00
End Time:1/1/1000 00:00
Total Bids Logged:156
Active Bidders:0

Total BidsHow many bids this user has spent on this auciton so far
Last Bid
Auctions (won)[%]Total number of auctions this user has participated in, ()’s is how many have won, []’s is the percentage
AvgBids/ AuctionThe average number of bids this user typically puts down on an auction
ELOHow effective this user is at winning auctions with fewest bids. Lower means better.
dragon9shi936$1.48342 (1336) [390.6%]2207972
lalafre33$1.472839 (83) [2.9%]587343
Ghost427618$1.4111600 (461) [4.0%]283010
Lizzie1461$1.404073 (2) [0.0%]1024782
KaryDale1$1.386386 (132) [2.1%]101877
WildCherry31081$1.27360 (2) [0.6%]1525853
charlie46461$1.234366 (347) [7.9%]448530
1anthonyfranK1$1.035695 (29) [0.5%]1211396
asbinclife11$0.839 (0) [0.0%]330
Rush221$0.8121808 (2882) [13.2%]48854
bronco20811$0.7838407 (3130) [8.1%]291272
laxmom046$0.672278 (15) [0.7%]217158
Jaceymarie15$0.64213 (0) [0.0%]110
crystal2381$0.604892 (53) [1.1%]76630
deedaly1$0.575256 (128) [2.4%]3020761
grateful161$0.525960 (144) [2.4%]182495
Jeff73563$0.471815 (4) [0.2%]511307
lailamar2$0.4574890 (1226) [1.6%]154344
martinktm4502$0.44151 (0) [0.0%]40
dulce292$0.437515 (123) [1.6%]114738
brittney42182$0.42442 (2) [0.5%]89703
madcowsmind1$0.3563 (0) [0.0%]90
cap0081$0.344803 (26) [0.5%]919279
CassieLOC1$0.313751 (36) [1.0%]129375
brookeadamczyk1$0.277272 (243) [3.3%]112891
lbrackett161$0.2510843 (36) [0.3%]50
lorile1$0.247074 (31) [0.4%]92361
landonturner211$0.21216 (3) [1.4%]3611822
redram11$0.205687 (44) [0.8%]117713
lizzygray2$0.1932 (4) [12.5%]1844448
ZNik1$0.185677 (11) [0.2%]75266
Motobecane1$0.173638 (53) [1.5%]103266
tejeans11$0.155343 (53) [1.0%]93635
cmtberg1$0.145239 (102) [1.9%]132052
lehads1$0.134969 (24) [0.5%]1121242
Johnpresley421$0.124141 (26) [0.6%]125937
Hood2801$0.116017 (115) [1.9%]144545
Evilone4sure1$0.101463 (18) [1.2%]142837
Tippet1$0.094967 (247) [5.0%]583620
fatly1$0.085142 (41) [0.8%]863053
janebro11$0.0713061 (87) [0.7%]106765
mdelano11$0.0624506 (4) [0.0%]10
fblackburn701$0.054889 (73) [1.5%]229737
stephg1771$0.045255 (129) [2.5%]92146
JaanK1$0.034653 (53) [1.1%]812794
Hemisphere19841$0.014622 (46) [1.0%]108038