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Auction ID/Username:
Auction ID:9502523
Product Name:Crossford Furniture Co. Executive Lumbar-Support Office Chair ($459)
# bidders:73
Start Time:1/1/1000 00:00
End Time:1/1/1000 00:00
Total Bids Logged:3830
Active Bidders:0

Total BidsHow many bids this user has spent on this auciton so far
Last Bid
Auctions (won)[%]Total number of auctions this user has participated in, ()’s is how many have won, []’s is the percentage
AvgBids/ AuctionThe average number of bids this user typically puts down on an auction
ELOHow effective this user is at winning auctions with fewest bids. Lower means better.
pta20211025$38.21606 (596) [98.3%]6354536
newtmik300$38.20420 (6) [1.4%]503626
mjw123679$38.172086 (54) [2.6%]763148
Shiver2140$33.092698 (8) [0.3%]1042786
atoutian537$32.29132 (3) [2.3%]197183
X_Drive27$31.035 (0) [0.0%]1250
Trina323238$26.5323417 (2799) [12.0%]125818
widowmakerb79355$21.46132 (21) [15.9%]2040
Junlee198612$21.2712772 (618) [4.8%]232265
Lilangels197520$20.043210 (27) [0.8%]333454
galaxiegirl15$19.06107 (0) [0.0%]60
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hilaire2$12.802566 (16) [0.6%]185090
Catmommy7150$10.5137 (1) [2.7%]460
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myberners4$9.0010706 (6) [0.1%]30
Millionstyler30$8.3055 (0) [0.0%]200
krishna3384$7.48123 (1) [0.8%]190
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6Govap2$6.059340 (98) [1.0%]81703
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Bunny571$4.568877 (281) [3.2%]216274
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erad2536$3.9223 (1) [4.3%]1180
CMNewYork1$3.9116862 (3475) [20.6%]2591347
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BostonBob19651$3.102651 (15) [0.6%]1210167
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jessshlong20$2.918 (0) [0.0%]270
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Jim37113$2.668 (0) [0.0%]10
Talon31$2.552434 (24) [1.0%]191228
Omicron4231$2.4712618 (31) [0.2%]23681
bacon66615$2.407487 (544) [7.3%]631187
PappyCoy1$2.344473 (28) [0.6%]1032066
billwoods1$2.3211447 (92) [0.8%]183675
IBID2WINYALL1$2.187166 (392) [5.5%]35932
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johnny13562$0.627362 (145) [2.0%]153586
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Unclesnake2$0.525802 (52) [0.9%]86009
bkinch2$0.471511 (9) [0.6%]1423983
evildancerrec1$0.422593 (699) [27.0%]1624268
Pahamm1$0.3711775 (87) [0.7%]95448
cherylg19891$0.333919 (131) [3.3%]363365
jimmyhondo1$0.311324 (85) [6.4%]452244
MagpieX21$0.2920739 (5376) [25.9%]1042153
mjparker20081$0.273404 (2) [0.1%]115710
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storydepot681$0.2315559 (34) [0.2%]33283
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Lam291$0.2016407 (692) [4.2%]262427
aaronj91$0.1814232 (1070) [7.5%]281534
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jaiprakash7771$0.1228117 (704) [2.5%]112699
DougHeinrich1$0.117683 (594) [7.7%]612302
petethepiper1$0.0813841 (13) [0.1%]21043