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Auction ID:9572196
Product Name:Ariel 'Tempest' 18k White Gold Plated Earrings($150)
# bidders:43
Start Time:1/1/1000 00:00
End Time:1/1/1000 00:00
Total Bids Logged:1264
Active Bidders:0

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Last Bid
Auctions (won)[%]Total number of auctions this user has participated in, ()’s is how many have won, []’s is the percentage
AvgBids/ AuctionThe average number of bids this user typically puts down on an auction
ELOHow effective this user is at winning auctions with fewest bids. Lower means better.
FrankOIII269$12.55153 (145) [94.8%]248941
Blakstarn218$12.5417390 (1323) [7.6%]692173
Trina32394$11.6723417 (2799) [12.0%]125818
getnup29$11.214680 (77) [1.6%]93211
bagladybag80$8.411046 (67) [6.4%]1412638
Haypay08116$6.55148 (1) [0.7%]70
serjbo30$6.392777 (31) [1.1%]182024
blondee5830$6.317248 (488) [6.7%]231631
WayneChilders30$6.235250 (321) [6.1%]286393
larryst530$5.545449 (362) [6.6%]264332
ToitsuNeeded8$5.382618 (102) [3.9%]342434
BIDTILLDEND1$4.841450 (445) [30.7%]1141704
Enriquemxl1$4.804707 (46) [1.0%]128154
bigsteVe11930$4.785040 (113) [2.2%]293167
john563530$4.423306 (8) [0.2%]93023
jetsfan70430$4.344855 (48) [1.0%]97336
Ljfranco31$3.685867 (395) [6.7%]442509
GIGGIDY1232$3.4814 (0) [0.0%]470
sfleprechaun20$3.218 (0) [0.0%]440
NorwayKid50$3.174440 (58) [1.3%]86443
msbig50$3.163255 (79) [2.4%]4414143
wildbill041$3.051842 (4) [0.2%]70
purpleroses1930$2.175132 (177) [3.4%]196152
ALOU6263$2.13100 (1) [1.0%]460
obuzord2$2.0629 (0) [0.0%]1040
erinvollmer2$1.498416 (0) [0.0%]20
jjmfrolic771$1.442956 (76) [2.6%]141668
tinapalazzolo1$1.4136 (0) [0.0%]140
susum1$1.38864 (9) [1.0%]6413
Patrickeason20$1.36227 (10) [4.4%]6211736
bmf31$1.3411139 (235) [2.1%]206317
MDottCom11238710$0.782483 (57) [2.3%]7757405
persius681$0.731240 (65) [5.2%]351194
MULLIGANMAN1$0.566984 (3) [0.0%]20
asimkox2$0.5014 (0) [0.0%]350
JaanK1$0.364653 (53) [1.1%]812794
bidUup21$0.2111246 (276) [2.5%]272472
Joycedkill1$0.1912407 (1355) [10.9%]252147
bigjohn8419862$0.1323 (1) [4.3%]450
SusanKay811$0.094613 (69) [1.5%]372379
BizzyOuk1$0.0722 (1) [4.5%]570
VictoryLT1$0.062130 (27) [1.3%]166266
Dallas3551$0.011481 (131) [8.8%]462047