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Auction ID/Username:
Auction ID:9615968
Product Name:Adamant – X-Core Waterproof Dry Bag Backpack – Orange($159)
# bidders:33
Start Time:1/1/1000 00:00
End Time:1/1/1000 00:00
Total Bids Logged:576
Active Bidders:0

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Last Bid
Auctions (won)[%]Total number of auctions this user has participated in, ()’s is how many have won, []’s is the percentage
AvgBids/ AuctionThe average number of bids this user typically puts down on an auction
ELOHow effective this user is at winning auctions with fewest bids. Lower means better.
MagpieX264$5.6720739 (5376) [25.9%]1042153
jkonk2236$5.66142 (6) [4.2%]741286
Bt399745$5.592348 (18) [0.8%]198413
Vegas721$4.951656 (7) [0.4%]1032525
INEEDYOURHELP2$4.888357 (3353) [40.1%]1362442
Jpalzar1$4.7438 (0) [0.0%]20
agentdebbie19$4.677692 (2) [0.0%]30
pittchick1$4.445527 (28) [0.5%]115160
MBugss1$4.41810 (5) [0.6%]71115
GT6539100$4.31115 (1) [0.9%]740
klavieri95$4.2932135 (3615) [11.2%]402108
jforgreatness1$4.2122939 (1) [0.0%]10
kennycorn1$4.09671 (96) [14.3%]1123832
Sleephead90$3.9370310 (5323) [7.6%]302083
bigdave22505$3.8981 (0) [0.0%]50
abano1$3.502984 (1) [0.0%]30
sillygirl886$3.044236 (17) [0.4%]80
jargan1$2.433450 (12) [0.3%]83137
chiliwhoop30$2.011221 (42) [3.4%]444637
tanksbulldawg27$1.901194 (2) [0.2%]120
Momof54299$1.881518 (2) [0.1%]341566
LuckyPenne2$1.823063 (25) [0.8%]95455
buffalogals4u1$1.3835702 (2500) [7.0%]332121
eagleview15$1.15802 (12) [1.5%]2016761
BreannaB37412$1.101675 (47) [2.8%]4012418
otda47$0.6232832 (7518) [22.9%]343596
Disey576$0.563705 (351) [9.5%]323011
ouchow1$0.54183 (1) [0.5%]50
Lynchie21$0.393838 (8) [0.2%]33161
MyCrabShack2$0.15321 (0) [0.0%]30
cooperma1$0.1110826 (345) [3.2%]52841
donaldthe4th1$0.092208 (20) [0.9%]93607
conleyj21$0.06134 (1) [0.7%]40