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Auction ID/Username:
Auction ID:9649773
Product Name:Adamant – X-Core Waterproof Dry Bag Backpack – Red($159)
# bidders:25
Start Time:1/1/1000 00:00
End Time:1/1/1000 00:00
Total Bids Logged:313
Active Bidders:0

Total BidsHow many bids this user has spent on this auciton so far
Last Bid
Auctions (won)[%]Total number of auctions this user has participated in, ()’s is how many have won, []’s is the percentage
AvgBids/ AuctionThe average number of bids this user typically puts down on an auction
ELOHow effective this user is at winning auctions with fewest bids. Lower means better.
Jd3d1325$3.0437 (298) [805.4%]2480
Premier3040$3.03833 (0) [0.0%]250
Buddy112767$3.0215300 (2712) [17.7%]1022628
twinsjla7$2.7430 (0) [0.0%]440
tillmichelle7730$2.7023 (1) [4.3%]1130
txcardinal31$2.4115151 (863) [5.7%]292517
StephyAC1$2.2810997 (350) [3.2%]12943
krichards10054$2.004835 (218) [4.5%]252217
DeterminedDude30$1.511780 (17) [1.0%]167383
jforgreatness1$1.4122901 (1) [0.0%]10
chiliwhoop30$1.391221 (42) [3.4%]444637
DPHill3011$1.2819627 (11) [0.1%]30
cmeints20$1.055933 (21) [0.4%]885692
dakota34565$0.41147 (0) [0.0%]50
YbNoRmAl2DaY5$0.4016016 (73) [0.5%]2150115
otda44$0.3632832 (7518) [22.9%]343596
michaeladams143$0.2572 (1) [1.4%]90
WiLLlWinOrBin2$0.1620620 (13259) [64.3%]3951114
vetstirs1$0.15242 (8) [3.3%]10245563
KijohBear71$0.124176 (296) [7.1%]109960
RevEi1$0.115441 (48) [0.9%]81313
Asilssim1$0.10916 (8) [0.9%]1915889
jennyds1$0.09824 (97) [11.8%]1493250
llbrad761$0.04980 (8) [0.8%]162893
DmorD1$0.0118 (1) [5.6%]200