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Auction ID/Username:
Auction ID:9664391
Product Name:Joshua Steinberg – Crystal Sommelier Champagne Flutes, Set of Four($372)
# bidders:26
Start Time:1/1/1000 00:00
End Time:1/1/1000 00:00
Total Bids Logged:774
Active Bidders:0

Total BidsHow many bids this user has spent on this auciton so far
Last Bid
Auctions (won)[%]Total number of auctions this user has participated in, ()’s is how many have won, []’s is the percentage
AvgBids/ AuctionThe average number of bids this user typically puts down on an auction
ELOHow effective this user is at winning auctions with fewest bids. Lower means better.
blackhawk3021206$7.651170 (551) [47.1%]1142975
BlueBayou88204$7.64127 (3) [2.4%]920
worthatryN163$7.2067913 (12082) [17.8%]1711349
HuskerKev722$4.1035 (0) [0.0%]420
Sleephead73$3.9870310 (5323) [7.6%]302083
Allehx2$2.612166 (5) [0.2%]42885
gattimon30$2.321540 (24) [1.6%]219011
m1kelle7730$2.282599 (41) [1.6%]202052
moonkinbelle1$2.163546 (230) [6.5%]699177
Trina3231$1.8823417 (2799) [12.0%]125818
rnbshepard1$1.80212 (1) [0.5%]90
Christineia21$1.684619 (37) [0.8%]1112087
alexiscreg18$1.4974 (0) [0.0%]90
ylowecog10$0.9177 (1) [1.3%]90
gigipastor1$0.761976 (29) [1.5%]172864
Billycab16$0.66105 (1) [1.0%]90
Malakai102$0.268515 (23) [0.3%]30
maverick6102$0.24339 (4) [1.2%]214333
Dealerdan262$0.23163 (0) [0.0%]90
dvance582$0.2169501 (3147) [4.5%]441893
kzack121$0.1729822 (754) [2.5%]122997
stephaniehtke1$0.144861 (243) [5.0%]674397
mdelano11$0.1124565 (4) [0.0%]10
jessicadavis92$0.08170 (0) [0.0%]40
Bdvfireman1$0.072465 (1955) [79.3%]183859
MissLaysea1$0.04965 (2207) [228.7%]70