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Auction ID/Username:
Auction ID:9788434
Product Name:Thaynards Hide ā€˜nā€™ Seek Cat Stool ($300)
# bidders:42
Start Time:1/1/1000 00:00
End Time:1/1/1000 00:00
Total Bids Logged:1322
Active Bidders:0

Total BidsHow many bids this user has spent on this auciton so far
Last Bid
Auctions (won)[%]Total number of auctions this user has participated in, ()’s is how many have won, []’s is the percentage
AvgBids/ AuctionThe average number of bids this user typically puts down on an auction
ELOHow effective this user is at winning auctions with fewest bids. Lower means better.
kgb007394$13.224296 (91) [2.1%]232418
BeNiceIwantIt365$13.211055 (24) [2.3%]250
ag333360$11.762374 (391) [16.5%]1550
AprilMMarie31$9.45156 (2) [1.3%]2823118
willette319$9.257590 (22) [0.3%]613381
JAKEN772$7.79648 (55) [8.5%]38561
Teketombo30$6.442628 (19) [0.7%]206216
Minioma30$6.222090 (18) [0.9%]1023085
hobcal30$6.164951 (44) [0.9%]1228381
lfbjones6$5.275753 (68) [1.2%]1011915
Jennpowers7516$5.154 (0) [0.0%]1710
nka1145530$5.064798 (25) [0.5%]1217374
jpackerzta331$4.962088 (25) [1.2%]1518303
knoonan251$4.953294 (37) [1.1%]215049
mao123451$4.88381 (5) [1.3%]1919813
vrcrocker581$4.321926 (65) [3.4%]376724
Famactrezz25442$4.31689 (2) [0.3%]1412698
mamahockey63841$4.2113560 (947) [7.0%]1241841
alw830130$4.051123 (2) [0.2%]15118500
MereSmith19$3.68642 (117) [18.2%]247059
yatter30$3.443023 (40) [1.3%]144803
kimbo46291$3.17805 (9) [1.1%]180
grannysuegma1$3.0817856 (22) [0.1%]20
zHvyD31$2.581302 (33) [2.5%]753179
Excaptain83510$2.476910 (17) [0.2%]876783
todayisgood30$2.222692 (198) [7.4%]1355006
Dave192930$2.181842 (21) [1.1%]165927
bobospit30$2.175988 (364) [6.1%]465249
kristen1285$1.6417 (0) [0.0%]30
Shaunjim4811$1.4938 (0) [0.0%]330
sjramsey16$1.3922 (0) [0.0%]100
jhd281$1.311944 (3) [0.2%]30
Refrikulous15$1.307103 (57) [0.8%]155604
dipworld12$1.063198 (4) [0.1%]96017
coachdaddoug1$0.733998 (19) [0.5%]716223
sweetwine1$0.665424 (198) [3.7%]164739
selinadittburn1$0.563023 (33) [1.1%]95404
Katchat2131$0.529665 (27) [0.3%]48641
pmcw1$0.467790 (187) [2.4%]163081
cherylanne782$0.291129 (29) [2.6%]183153
BOOMCHIKAWOWWOW2$0.1219649 (81) [0.4%]44628
redlocks1$0.0385850 (19321) [22.5%]941430