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This is the product data for The Barrel Shack The Prospector which can be bought at steep discount on DealDash. Use the information on this page to see how often this item is auctioned off, what it usually sells for, and which users are winning it. This is exclusive and free information not available anywhere else to help you get items cheaply online. Remember shipping is always free on

Avg End Price$19.18
Min End Price$1.60
Max End Price$86.98
# of Auctions:50

Auction IDThe numbers at the end of the auction URL on
NameThe name of the product on Deal Dash
Bid$The current bid price on DealDash
BiddersThe current number of active bidders on the auction
14004884The Barrel Shack The Prospector$16.13-1
13981874The Barrel Shack The Prospector$3.39-1
13954442The Barrel Shack The Prospector$11.87-1
13942164The Barrel Shack The Prospector$16.60-1
13937429The Barrel Shack The Prospector$25.29-1
13928577The Barrel Shack The Prospector$86.98-1
13920746The Barrel Shack The Prospector$50.02-1
13881343The Barrel Shack The Prospector$32.97-1
13875701The Barrel Shack The Prospector$7.58-1
13836626The Barrel Shack The Prospector$41.15-1
13717537The Barrel Shack The Prospector$35.33-1
13471120The Barrel Shack The Prospector$15.69-1
13375178The Barrel Shack The Prospector$3.69-1
13274950The Barrel Shack The Prospector$2.51-1
13250727The Barrel Shack The Prospector$24.00-1
13241748The Barrel Shack The Prospector$1.60-1
13229808The Barrel Shack The Prospector$8.73-1
13223071The Barrel Shack The Prospector$3.56-1
13218493The Barrel Shack The Prospector$14.54-1
13214058The Barrel Shack The Prospector$11.53-1
13210669The Barrel Shack The Prospector$6.15-1
13205911The Barrel Shack The Prospector$6.06-1
13201651The Barrel Shack The Prospector$25.48-1
13197538The Barrel Shack The Prospector$13.11-1
13194286The Barrel Shack The Prospector$40.38-1
13184776The Barrel Shack The Prospector$7.87-1
13159726The Barrel Shack The Prospector$11.68-1
13154547The Barrel Shack The Prospector$9.62-1
13143876The Barrel Shack The Prospector$18.67-1
13139380The Barrel Shack The Prospector$22.17-1
13135584The Barrel Shack The Prospector$13.74-1
13131111The Barrel Shack The Prospector$65.05-1
13126890The Barrel Shack The Prospector$3.31-1
13122174The Barrel Shack The Prospector$16.55-1
13113733The Barrel Shack The Prospector$1.99-1
13110247The Barrel Shack The Prospector$18.02-1
13106089The Barrel Shack The Prospector$3.39-1
13101024The Barrel Shack The Prospector$45.33-1
13097487The Barrel Shack The Prospector$3.17-1
13084466The Barrel Shack The Prospector$22.72-1
13075665The Barrel Shack The Prospector$7.58-1
13067961The Barrel Shack The Prospector$8.63-1
13062738The Barrel Shack The Prospector$1.75-1
13059171The Barrel Shack The Prospector$15.26-1
13054588The Barrel Shack The Prospector$26.64-1
13049548The Barrel Shack The Prospector$26.24-1
13045828The Barrel Shack The Prospector$4.20-1
13037385The Barrel Shack The Prospector$16.75-1
13032295The Barrel Shack The Prospector$12.80-1
13023969The Barrel Shack The Prospector$71.84-1