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This is the product data for Veho TA-9 Universal in-car Smartphone Cradle which can be bought at steep discount on DealDash. Use the information on this page to see how often this item is auctioned off, what it usually sells for, and which users are winning it. This is exclusive and free information not available anywhere else to help you get items cheaply online. Remember shipping is always free on

Avg End Price$11.20
Min End Price$2.45
Max End Price$25.50
# of Auctions:18

Auction IDThe numbers at the end of the auction URL on
NameThe name of the product on Deal Dash
Bid$The current bid price on DealDash
BiddersThe current number of active bidders on the auction
12439143Veho TA-9 Universal in-car Smartphone Cradle $21.60-1
12438277Veho TA-9 Universal in-car Smartphone Cradle $19.33-1
12412242Veho TA-9 Universal in-car Smartphone Cradle $7.60-1
12407274Veho TA-9 Universal in-car Smartphone Cradle $25.50-1
12403625Veho TA-9 Universal in-car Smartphone Cradle $8.20-1
12403208Veho TA-9 Universal in-car Smartphone Cradle $8.17-1
12399112Veho TA-9 Universal in-car Smartphone Cradle $2.82-1
12394835Veho TA-9 Universal in-car Smartphone Cradle $2.45-1
12390786Veho TA-9 Universal in-car Smartphone Cradle $12.68-1
12386788Veho TA-9 Universal in-car Smartphone Cradle $3.68-1
11466102Veho TA-9 Universal in-car Smartphone Cradle $0.000
10925237Veho TA-9 Universal in-car Smartphone Cradle $0.000
10922128Veho TA-9 Universal in-car Smartphone Cradle $0.000
10918093Veho TA-9 Universal in-car Smartphone Cradle $0.000
10914219Veho TA-9 Universal in-car Smartphone Cradle $0.000
10910595Veho TA-9 Universal in-car Smartphone Cradle $0.000
10906695Veho TA-9 Universal in-car Smartphone Cradle $0.000
10902945Veho TA-9 Universal in-car Smartphone Cradle $0.000